Saturday, November 14, 2009

Traditional Mixed martial arts?

where i live at ive been seeing alot of traiditional mixed martial arts schools. And if you think about it shaolin martial arts where the original mixed martial arts. Alot of styles contributed by alot of people to one place. Lately in particular i seen a kung fu school that teaches shaolin Chuan Fa,southern mantins boxing,kempo karate, and Brazilian jujitsu

Then i see another school that is goju-ryu and judo. I think its pretty cool. I finally dont feel alone in this principle, other people are doing it too. I mean at the shaolin temple you learn everything that an MMA school learn and more. San shou kickboxing,shuai jiao wrestling , Qin Na submissions, Traditional fighting techniques, plus Qi gong and meditation.

But i think its really cool how some traditionalists and MMA coaches are fusing together to make a unique self-defense program......any thoughts or expereinces

Traditional Mixed martial arts?
In the short while that I have studied Martial Arts I have came to a conclusion, as many I'm sure would concur, it is not only okay, but I would argue it is necessary to become a better martial artist. I do, though, advocate the preservation of each of these martial art cultures/styles. Mainly in order for the next person to get the same experience as the last, and moreover, for those who wish to draw only from it, be allowed to do so.
Reply:I've actually seen some video showing Rickson Gracie (or one of the Gracies) doing yoga and meditation and talking about how it helps his MMA. Crosstraining and an open mind will be an asset. If you find something in your area that looks good, give it a try. If it's good, train. If it sucks, move on.

"Traditional" is a hard word to define for martial arts. BJJ is based on Judo which has a long background. Muay Thai is one of the most popular striking arts in MMA, but it has a long history too. Martial arts has always been changing and evolving and will continue to change.

Just make sure what you study is good quality and effective. The age old formula: spar regularly with a fully-resisting partner (not just compliant drills) and look for schools with MMA competition experience.
Reply:To me martial arts is so much more then fighting. It's an understanding of everything from dirt to the stars. Sun Tzu once said to win a fight without fighting is a great thing(something like that)
Reply:fully agree

san soo is a mixture of the old warrior arts, thus a mixed martial art. It is called the 5 family art, having 5 families of study. This has been this way since when Lo Sifu Jimi H. Woo brought it here from China and became the legend he is, and shall always be. It stresses kick punch style, throws, take downs and ground fighting. Throw in that the way to do this is thru Ho ga pressure point and Li Ga leverages, as well as Hung Ga power and strength, and Fut Ga is the psychology of it all or how to put it together.

Now if you follow this concept, that means learn it all if you can. There is no best way, only whats is best available to you and how you use and apply it all to your life. MMA is a concept that has been used by the wisest and will always be. That is why we had to resort to it as a way to stay alive in an MMA style competition.

The old UFC is still alive, it is evolved. None of the old fighters look the same. They have evolved with the sport, getting a ground game where needed and a stand up if thats the case. Traditional is MMA, just depends on your goal when you enter MA. You can go to become a great fighter or great teacher. Both are cool, just the needs are different.

It has evolved to where it has to be, not anyones single choice. It is funny when people say this wont or that wont work, well it is. MMA is rad, man today we all have better choices, take advantage of em.

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