Thursday, November 12, 2009

Kung Fu - Iron Body Training...?


I was wondering if somebody knows about some iron body

exercises that I could practise to make my body harder?

I am going to Kung Fu classes, but we are not learning iron body

exercises there.

(sry for my bad english.)

Kung Fu - Iron Body Training...?
I used to do iron palm training.

It consisted of setting up a small square bag that resembled a little pillow onto a square shaped table that was just a little wider than the bag. The bag would initially be filled with mung beans because, apparently, they have medicinal value. I would strike this bag in five hit sequences, and if done properly, the sound of the impact with the small table would create a "popping" sound, almost as if I were striking something hollow. This is all done in proper stance as well. Once five blows were completed on one side, switch stances and do the five hit sequence on the other. This was repeated for me for about 45 minutes or so at a time. Very boring. Eventually, the bag was filled with sand, then small rocks, and finally iron pellets and/or BB's.

I have heard rumors that if this is done improperly, it would result in the practitioner (if male) growing sterile, but I believe this just a scare tactic to dissuade potential students from practicing alone or without proper instruction.

Oh, and dit dut jow (sp?) and wood lock oil was used before hand.
Reply:We kick each other on the stomak, tighs, hit elbows

thats about all i do in my class

at home when i can i hit my knees with metal nunchuks ntil i cant take it to make it stronger, and punch the light pole as much as i can
Reply:Golden Bell training is what you want to find out about. Iron Shirt + Turtle's Back = golden bell. You don't do this without an instructor. Originally you would punch your own stomach, coupled with breathing and timed muscle flexing, then move up to a wooden mallet, then an iron hammer, and sleep on a hard surfaces, with a weight on your stomach, and you close off many accupuncture points to become less vulnerable to penetrating chi attacks. Like everything, it's a double edged sword.

If you want something practical that you can do safely, have a partner bounce a medicine ball off of your abs as you take various stances, do stomach crunches while they hit you with the ball, etc. Learn to expell your breath and flex your muscles in time with the hit. Toughens you up immensely and is great for turbocharging your core strength. Start with a lighter weight ball, or even a volleyball, and work your way up.

If you can find an instructor to train you in Golden Bell, more power to you. But don't mess with home training. It's much more intensive and risky than iron palm.


Don't hit your knees or shins with anything metal unless you enjoy the prospect of blood clots forming and chronic injuries later in life. If you want to toughen the legs, rub up and down your shins with a piece of bamboo or other smooth round stick. There is a fallacy propagated about Muay Thai practitioners kicking trees to gain strength, this is only partially true - they kicked banana trees, which are flexible and similar in flexion to a human body. Do not kick or punch solid objects if you intend to practice your art for many years.
Reply:roll bottles or round stick down your shin. Start with bean filled bags, hitting them after the beans become dust move to round pebbles then move to ball bearings. Put them in various size bags. can use them on any part of your body. Trees and other hard surfaces like walls etc. are good to use as well. This, of course, is only the physical aspect of it. Fill a bag with dry cement. Hit it every day, after a while it'll start to get hard. Water will get in and start to harden the powderd cement. Soon you'll be pounding away at solid cement.
Reply:Don't grind the stick down your shin if you have hairy legs....

Found this out the hard way, the friction takes off the hair and you have a nice hairless line down the middle of your shin. lol

I wasn't paying attention when I was doing this, I was watching tv. It was summer too, so I got a question or two. lol

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